Monday, April 20, 2009

Second Post Today...

I was just sitting catching up on some news while drinkin' my morning joe and I had to comment on this. The article from Wired magazine; "The Great Brazillian Sat-Hack Crackdown" just makes me laugh! I am not one to condone illegal activity. What's more I am a licensed HAM radio user and I really believe in proper use of frequency. However, to call the people that use these sats for communication, criminals is probably going too far. What is the real scary part of this story? In case you missed it, the Navy's Fleet Satellite Communication system, or FLTSATCOM runs unencrypted!

Now before you say "They said drug lords use them to communicate and that makes it a crime". Lets look at reality. What available medium is not used for crime these days? Internet, yes, Cell phones, yes, HAM radios, yes. So all of these things must be illegal too. Comm'on!

Do I think there are ways that the "legit" users could do things a bit better to take advantage of free, or low cost communications? I do. However, in some circumstances you have to do what you can with what you got. In the mean time, when are governments going to start to realize that if you don't want people listening to your stuff, encrypt it! They can listen to our conversations that are in the open without any problems, why can't we listen to what they have to say over an open frequency?

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