Monday, January 4, 2010

Top 10 Home Anti Virus Applications

I stumbled on this top 10 list of home paid for anti virus applications. I tend to get the question of which AV I recommend from friends and family. Generally I have been a fan of the Symantec product. This is all relative as you may have seen in a previous post where I showed generally how easy it was to pass a virus though current AV techniques. With all of this in mind Symantec showed up as #2 on this list by PC world. Not a bad standing. G Data was number one which I have personally never heard of. The article does say that it was a close race between the two.

So was this post to say "I told you so"? No! It was just to show the top 10. You can make your decision. What I wanted to get across, as I have mentioned before, the freebies are good but it really adds serious protection to pay for your subscription. All AV subscriptions end up around the same ball park of $25-$50 bucks per year. That is a small price to pay for the protection of your system and data. PC techs tend to charge $75-$100/hour to do clean up after the fact so you can do the math! Even if you have a good friend or family member that will do the work for you, your gonna pay the same price at minimum of what you could have paid to have good protection in the first place.

It can seem like insurance, but like insurance, it's worth it if it does happen! Remember AV isn't the silver bullet for a secure system but it should definitely be a part of your armor!

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