Friday, February 12, 2010

P90x day 31

If you read my last blog post, you know that I started P90X. It's hard to believe it has been 30 days! It was really rough at first. I actually even had an issue where I started to get headaches every day. With that said, it was nothing major and it was repairable. Heed this warning! Use a heart rate monitor. My problem was that my heart rate was over 90% the whole time. This causes symptoms, at least in me, that resemble high blood pressure. Headaches, light headedness, and could lead to stroke! I'm not a Dr. but I highly recommend it. After getting a heart rate monitor and keeping under 80% on the hardest workouts, I have alleviated the problem.

Now a word on day 31. Just when you think you got the hang of this. Your feeling good, completing the workouts, maybe you have even worked up to doing much the same reps that they are doing on the video. FORGET YOU EVER STARTED! Day 31 makes it feel like day one again. No Joke! I'm having trouble typing this right now because my shoulders hurt so bad and my muscles are shaking. It burns! Good luck!

I will say this. Taking the 30 day pictures and seeing a result along with feeling better in my clothes and just the general healthy feeling is worth every minute! I will check in on this topic again on day 61. I can only hope it's not like 31 :)

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