Sunday, October 24, 2010

Are you Up 2 Date?

Many people keep up on their Windows Patches which is a good thing. If you don't, shame on you! You should. It's easy, just turn on Automatic Updates located in your control panel of your Windows operating system.

Here is something you might not have known, a lot of the the malware coming out these days is  targeting vulnerabilities in 3rd party applications such as Adobe, Java, Chrome etc. How often do you update these applications?

Agreed that it's a pain to update each individual application you may have. Enter Secunia's Personal Software Inspector (PSI). This is a free application that will let you know when you have programs that have known vulnerabilities or patches available. It will also assist you in getting all of your patches for each program.

They also have an online version called Online Software Inspector, but this one covers less applications than the PSI. I would recommend installing the PSI and give it a try. It's highly important to keep ALL of your applications up to date, not just the Windows applications!

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