Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Social Engineering; The new thing?

Social engineering has received a lot of media in the recent past in regards to security. Just how new is this technique? I'm sure arguments could date this back to biblical times when Jacob obtained Esau's firstborn privileges by giving him stew or even back to the serpent duping Eve into not following God's commands.

What about examples in more recent times? Again, I'm sure there are plenty of examples, but I stumbled on this one. It is a document released under the freedom of information act, talking about how FBI agents can and should use social engineering in their investigations.

FBI Social Engineering Manual Revealed!

This document is from 1956. There is no ground breaking stuff here, but it is an interesting read to see that even the man is aware of how well this technique works.

Credit for discovery goes to Mr. Kevin Mitnick, surprise :)

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