Friday, August 14, 2009

Can you hear me now?

OK, OK my posting has been a bit spotty. I'm trying :) So anyway why I am posting today.... Can you hear me now? Reminds you of a Verizon commercial. Well, this post has to do with...well cell phones, and bluetooth headsets. You may have all been reading how vulnerable bluetooth is. Do you know just have vulnerable? Check out the following video by Josh Wright:

I Can I hear you now!

So how scary is that? Bet you will think twice about wearing one of those bad boys now :). That got me thinking, those of you that know me you know how that goes! If we can eavesdrop/inject on bluetooth headsets then I bet we can eavesdrop/inject on car bluetooth systems. Well...I hope to test this tomorrow and see. I'm traveling back from PA in the AM and will have a few hours at my disposal. If by some reason I am too tired, it will be done this weekend and I will post my results here. This can have a very scary outcome. Lets hope more thought was put into the car bluetooth setup though...yeah right!

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